Battlefield 4: Behind the Scenes with the team and Guide

StrongSide reminisces about his time working on the Battlefield 4 guide

The Battlefield 4 guide came out last week. I can’t say anything but INCREDIBLE.. I was fortunate to work with a great squad of guys making this extremely enjoyable and a success. I’m really happy to be involved with such a unique guide. We have taken this guide in a positive direction for multiplayer gamers.

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Within this guide you’ll find tactics, tips, strategies, class and squad choices and how to play each game-mode on every map. You’ll also find a few fun things to do for much entertainment. We have packed in an extreme amount of competitive information for a beginner to an advanced player. If you’re trying to better your game to beat your friends or get better as a team with your friends, this guide is for you. Battlefield4 revolves around teamwork and playing as the right classes to assist your team. As you learn and evolve as a player you’ll notice yourself making better decisions and something you thought was so tough now seems quite simple. Remember, being a great player doesn’t mean having the best stats, most kills, and most headshots(although it is fun!). A great player is someone who makes the right decisions and plays to win the game.

The game will always be evolving though whether it a new map or new strategy on a map. This is why we will be adding online content to the e-guide post-launch. I hope you all enjoy. Have fun and kick some Battlefield!

The work was immense but we had some fun and great stories to come out of it. Stories are always great but sometimes pictures are even better. Although I cannot show pictures of the game itself these pictures are quite enjoyable. Here are some of the stories with a picture to put to it.



Before walking into work..take a few seconds to look out and soak in the sun before we become vampires

Prank wars. Best prank- “Grandma’s Curry” (soup in a bag) at the hotel. Priceless reactions. [NOTE: We have a photo of this prank, but it is distubing, involves a toilet, and may cause nausea. We will only post if we get over 100 comments on this post asking us to show the photo.]

Water Bottle

The EA water bottle. Rehydrate, It’s in the GAME.

Red BullRedBull HQ

Messing with Marcus

Marcus falling asleep waiting for our build of the game…and messing with him..he is a grumpy morning person

Big Fan

Meeting an awesome Halo2 fan at a pizza joint


Incredible pasta while singing “That’s Amore” at a restaurant


Being introduced to the game of Buffalo and taking it to a whole new level


Work setup at the hotel


Making bets on who would fall asleep working first…4am..Mike is down for the count!

Turtle Racing

Turtle Racing. Do I need to say more? FUN.

EA Goodies

EA goodies, Zombie Mask, I’m ready for Halloween


Almost every morning before work Mike and I would throw one dart each. Mike went first and was positive he would win..then Robin Hood came to visit. Yes, this did happen. Series score: Flamesword- 4  StrongSide-6

Airport Sleeper

Heading home to see the smartest guy waiting for his flight in 3 hours..It took everything in me to not jump on the other side of the mattress


How do YOU pronounce Chipotle? Chip-oat-le or Ship-oat-le

Anyways, now all I can do play Battlefield4 24/7.

Now get yourself the Battlefield 4 Guide. Within this guide you’ll find tactics, tips, strategies, class and squad choices and how to play each game-mode on every map. You’ll also find a few fun things to do for much entertainment. We have packed in an extreme amount of competitive information for a beginner to an advanced player. If you’re trying to better your game to beat your friends or get better as a team with your friends, this guide is for you. Battlefield4 revolves around teamwork and playing as the right classes to assist your team. As you learn and evolve as a player you’ll notice yourself making better decisions and something you thought was so tough now seems quite simple. Remember, being a great player doesn’t mean having the best stats, most kills, and most headshots (although it is fun!). A great player is someone who makes the right decisions and plays to win the game


About the Author

Prima Games Staff

The staff at Prima Games.