Fallout 76 Author Notes

Checking in from the wastelands of West Virginia, one of the authors of the Fallout 76 guide gives us a small taste of their progress (and asks for more coffee and Rice Krispy Treats).

Hello all, Garitt Rocha, one of the authors on the Fallout 76 guide here, fresh off the plane back from Bethesda Game Studios HQ. David Hodgson (lead author), Drew Gilliland (mapper extraordinaire) and I have been toiling late into the night to craft a book we can be proud of and that you will want to add to your collection.

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I can’t say much about the things we’ve done and seen so far, but I can tell you that Fallout 76 is big — really big! — and we’re putting together a guide big enough to cover it. We spent a combined three months of time, 200+ hours a week, six cups of coffee a day and a Rice Krispy Treat per hour while onsite to craft something we know you’re going to love.

Three Fallout Boys

We can’t wait to show you more and get this beast of a book in your hands! Be sure to pre-order it at your favorite retailer!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have more of Appalachia to explore. If I could just remember where the heck I left those nuclear launch codes . . . 

About the Author
