Hearthstone took the competitive scene by storm with its highly integrated digital card system and homage to the beloved lore that fans have fallen in love with from World of Warcraft. The Hearthstone Inn-vitational is a huge annual event that brings the best of the best together to win big and celebrate the community that makes this game so great and now we’ve got the details for this year’s celebration.
For those new to the Inn-vitational scene, the Hearthstone Inn-vitational will have 20 of the most renowned players worldwide go toe-to-toe as the Salty Satyrs and the Feisty Fiends teams. What’s new about this year’s festivities is that Blizzard is introducing a brand new format called the Demon Hunter Duel-fest and will have each team compete in four rounds, best of three takes the win.
The new format will have each player as a specific class with a changeup occurring during the second and fourth rounds where all participating must play as a Demon Hunter (the best class, in our humble opinion). The prize pool for this hearty competition includes $100,000 and $6,500 for all individual players on the winning team with those that rank in the highest scores ranking in an additional 1,000 dollars.
The Hearthstone Inn-vitational will be streamed on each player’s Twitch channel from home with the continued spread of COVID-19 to make sure that all participants remain safe and healthy. For those that tune in and stay for the show, there will be a reward of one Ashes of Outland card pack given as a Twitch drop. Watch for two hours, you get the card pack, watch for four, you’ll get a second card pack. The only thing you need to know about that is that you must have your Battle.net account linked to your Twitch account to qualify.
The Hearthstone Outland Inn-vitational kicks off on April 21 at 9 AM PT. You can prep with our breakdown of some of the most popular cards to build a deck with right here! You can also hit us up over on Twitter @PrimaGames with your thoughts about this year’s Hearthstone event!