New PUBG April Fools Day Event Transforms the Shooter Into a Fantasy Adventure

Who needs chicken dinners when you can slay dragons, m'lady?

Who needs chicken dinners when you can slay dragons, m’lady? OK, so there might not be actual dragons but there are barbarians, which are basically the same thing. PUBG is getting into the fantasy spirit this April Fools Day with a brand new event that transforms the traditional battle royale experience into something every RPG fan can appreciate. 

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“Hear ye brave adventurers, Fantasy Battle Royale is now available for one week only,” boasts the reveal trailer’s official description. “Form your party of Wizards, Barbarians, Rangers, and Paladins to take on the Battlegrounds and claim special rewards and of course your poultry supper!”

The PUBG team took to their website to talk a little more about the new event and why they felt that a little bit of “light-hearted fun” due to all of the COVID-19 scariness that has been going on. “First off, we understand that times are difficult right now due to the impact of COVID-19 around the world and that some companies have chosen to forego April Fools activities this year. In a time when people are keeping themselves safe and indoors, we believe that video games offer a diversion from solitude and a way to be social while still staying safely apart. For these reasons, we’ve chosen to go forward with our planned event in hopes that it offers a little bit of lighthearted fun during this necessary isolation.”

For those worried that this will impact those wallets, PUBG Corp also confirmed that all rewards earned during this event can, in fact, be earned, which means if you want them you’re not going to have to shell out IRL cash. As for what the actual event itself is: 

“Fantasy Battle Royale is an optional event mode that lets you choose from one of four fantasy classes to take on the Battlegrounds in a completely different way. Creating a true fantasy mode would require more resources than we wanted, so we made a couple… alternate choices in how we represent the fantasy in Fantasy Battle Royale. By utilizing existing PUBG mechanics in fun and crazy new ways, we came up with (what we consider) a funny mode that didn’t have to waste important development resources for a week-long joke.

“Even a silly event mode has its uses, though. Fantasy BR has given us the opportunity to test a few new ideas in a real (but fantasy) (but still real) environment. A big part of Battle Royale is survival and we’ve been curious what crafting on the Battlegrounds might look like. Fantasy BR gave us the perfect opportunity to try out a crafting system and as such, the vast majority of the loot you’ll find in Fantasy BR consists of crafting components used to improve the items you begin with. Utilizing fantasy classes, such as the Paladin, had the added bonus of finally letting us test a certain shield we teased out to you all a little too soon.”

  • Fantasy BR takes place on the Dragon’s Isle (Erangel)
  • TPP only, 20 Squads of 4 (maximum of 80 players per match)
  • Fantasy BR does not support 1 man or 3 man squad but will automatically find suitable companions for you
  • Friendly fire is disabled (unless we’re talking the mendingstar and heal bomb, which are the friendliest fire of all)
  • Fantasy BR does not grant XP rewards but BP is earned based on your total gameplay time
  • Fantasy BR matches don’t count towards the Survivor Pass. However, there are separate Fantasy BR exclusive missions
    • Complete Fantasy BR exclusive missions to earn special Fantasy BR mode rewards
    • Please refer to the ‘Fantasy Battle Royale Exclusive Systems’ section for more details

Players can chose between a Barbarian, a Wizard, a Ranger, or a Paladin when taking on this epic quest which is available from now until April 7th! Happy … uh, chicken dinners? 

About the Author

Liana Ruppert

With an arguably unhealthy obsession with Dragon Age and Mass Effect, Liana is wildly passionate about all things in the gaming community. From shooters, to RPGs, if it's out - she's playing it. A medically retired US Sailor and now full-time hoarder of gaming collectibles, Liana's passion for everything in the gaming industry is palpable. Also, if you lose her in a crowd, just casually mention any BioWare game and the crazy pterodactyl screech will without a doubt follow. You can follow her on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy or email her for editorial inquiries at [email protected]!