Lethal Company: All Weather Conditions Explained

Weather can easily turn a moon into a real challenge.

Lethal Company All Weather Conditions
Screenshot by Prima Games

While Lethal Company’s monsters are incredibly dangerous in nearly any imaginable situation, weather can pose a significant threat, especially if combined with outdoor creatures, limited stamina, and other noteworthy features. Here’s a comprehensive guide to all of Lethal Company’s weather conditions.

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All Lethal Company Weather Conditions Listed

Lethal Company has five weather conditions to be wary of as you explore various moons:

  1. Foggy
  2. Rainy
  3. Stormy
  4. Flooded
  5. Eclipsed

Each one has its threats, with some being more dangerous than others. While moons don’t always spawn with weather conditions, they appear frequently, especially on challenging moons like Rend, Dine, and Titan. Even Experimentation can have weather changes, making an otherwise tame map difficult.


Foggy weather conditions cover the moon in fog, obscuring your vision and making it far more challenging to see what’s around you. Fog makes it harder to find your ship, the moon’s facility, or any creatures like Forest Keepers and Eyeless Dogs.

While fog isn’t the most dangerous condition on this list, it poses numerous challenges that can turn an otherwise safe run into a hectic, deadly one. Since fog affects your vision outdoors, it is much easier to walk near an unaffected enemy accidentally. You’re especially vulnerable to attacks from Forest Keepers, who can still see you easily despite the fog.

Another danger of foggy weather is the challenge of finding locations like your moon’s facility or your ship, especially if you’re new to the game or unfamiliar with your current moon. It’s much easier to get lost in fog than usual, leading to unexpected encounters with outdoor monsters, baboon hawks, or circuit bees. Watch your step, and try to be wary of your surroundings.

Having someone at your ship to guide you through these obstacles can make tackling them much easier. Items like walkie-talkies can also help you communicate with others, especially once it approaches nighttime.


Rain is the easiest weather condition to deal with, as it doesn’t heavily impact your playthrough. However, it spawns quicksand around the map, which can quickly kill you if you step inside it.

Quicksand appears as a dark patch of mud on the ground and can appear anywhere on the map, including in front of your ship’s exit. Watch your step carefully as you move around the moon.

Fortunately, you will not instantly die if you step into a puddle of quicksand. You do have a chance to escape, especially if you notice it quickly. However, it only takes a few seconds to engulf you, so you’ll have to act fast to run out of it.


Stormy weather is the next rain-related one on the list, and it’s hazardous when you’re carrying items back to your ship. Whenever you move metal items to and from your ship, they’ll begin to spark, summoning a lightning bolt on its location within seconds. If you hold one of these items while sparking, you’ll die once the lightning strikes.

The two main ways to counter this are not holding metal objects whenever possible or dropping the item once sparks appear. If you have an empty inventory slot, swap to this to prevent the situation altogether. If you have a full inventory or are carrying a large object, drop it, run away, and return to pick it up once lightning strikes.

Fortunately, the lightning will not destroy your item, allowing you to retrieve it after the lightning hits. However, if you don’t run away quickly enough, it will still hit you, killing you instantly.


You can think of Lethal Company’s floods as time-limit missions. The flood weather condition causes the entire moon to fill with water, increasing in depth over time. While it isn’t too dangerous in the morning, it becomes a major obstacle in the evening for multiple reasons.

The main reason is that your character can’t swim and can easily drown if you don’t return to your ship in time. When you combine this with the threat of outdoor monsters, it becomes a hassle to navigate safe routes while trying to avoid enemies.

The second reason is losing access to fire exits, as floods often prevent you from safely using them. In many situations, fire exits are a great emergency option if you can’t reach the main facility entrance. Losing this can kill you and your team if enemies surround you or get unlucky and have a turret spawn in the main room.

The best way to tackle flooded moons is to work quickly to get items back to your ship before the map fills with water. You’ll also want to watch your step so you don’t drown and instead focus on walking through shallow surfaces whenever possible.


Eclipsed is the most dangerous of the five weather conditions listed here. Generally speaking, you want to avoid this as much as possible unless you want an increased challenge or have no other choice.

The eclipsed weather condition immediately spawns outdoor enemies like Eyeless Dogs and Forest Keepers on your moon. From the moment you land on its surface to when you leave, these monsters will wander its surface, ready to hunt whenever they hear or see you.

In other words, any strategies you use to avoid these enemies at night apply to the day, too, as you’ll spend the entire day carefully navigating the map to reach the moon’s facility without attracting the attention of monsters. Have someone at your ship warn you of any nearby danger, especially if multiple outdoor enemies are creeping around.

How to Find a Moon’s Weather Condition in Lethal Company

When you select a moon to travel to in your terminal, you’ll notice their names, with the weather conditions beside them. For example, you might see “Assurance (Rainy)” or “Titan (Foggy)”, indicating their current weather.

If there are no conditions next to the moon, you’re safe to go there, knowing the weather will not threaten you. However, outdoor enemies can still spawn on any map, so watch for them.

If you ever struggle with enemies during these weather conditions, check out guides like how to deal with Eyeless Dogs in Lethal Company, or click the tag below to browse our growing content collection.

About the Author

Madison Benson

Madison was a staff writer at Prima Games who has played video games for over twenty years and written about them for over two years. Her love for video games started with turn-based strategy games like Heroes of Might and Magic and has since extended to casual farming sims, MMORPGs, and action-adventure RPGs.