Yooka-Laylee is now available for 3d platformer fans around the world, and users looking to dive into the new adventure will find themselves facing down an interesting conundrum. Like many of the old-school games that made up our childhood, Yooka-Laylee does not offer a manual save system. So, how do you know when the game saves? In this article we’ll go over everything you need to know about the save system, and even touch on the Yooka-Laylee PC controls a little bit.
Understanding the Save System
Like many of the old-school games that defined our childhood, Yooka-Laylee relies solely on an auto-save system that automatically saves your game when you hit certain areas, perform specific actions, or collect specific items. For example, each time you enter a new area, the game automatically saves, allowing you to pick up where you left off without losing any progress.
As you’re playing, though, it can be hard to keep an eye out on the little floppy disk that pops up in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, so we put together a list of items below that should trigger an autosave. Also, if all else fails, you can always exit the current Grand Tome you’re in to trigger a save.
Events that trigger autosaves: Picking up Pagies, collectibles items like Ghost Writers, Mollycools, and Play Coins. Leaving and entering new areas and tomes. Complete conversations with specific NPCs, and buying new moves from Trowzer.
That’s pretty much all that there is to know about the save system, so let’s move on to the next item on our agenda, PC controls.
Understanding the Game’s PC Controls
Some users might find it interesting that Yooka-Laylee does not currently offer any way to view or change the controls in the PC version of the game. This means that players cannot see which buttons on their keyboard do what, or even which buttons on their controllers are responsible for which actions. Instead, players must rely solely on their own memory. For some this is disheartening, especially with Playtonic putting so much emphasis on the PC version of the game.
Unfortunately, there is currently no known list of commands for the PC version of the game. Players will simply need to experiment with the controls, and keep the different key combos in mind when playing through the game. To be fair, the game does strongly recommend playing with a controller, and this is even noted on the Steam Store page. But, many fans have still found themselves a bit upset with the current state of things.
So, if you’re struggling to keep up with the controls on the PC version of the game, know that you are not alone, and that hopefully—soon—Playtonic will release a patch that allows users to at least view the mouse and keyboard configurations. For more help be sure to check out our Yooka-Laylee guide, which offers helpful articles like how to find all the Butterfly Boosters, and even explains how to increase your FPS and use Exclusive Mode.